GMDN delivers first 2023 Strategy Workshops for Regulators and Manufacturers

The GMDN Agency delivered three virtual strategy workshops this month (March 2023) as part of our Corporate Strategy 2022 – 2026 implementation.

As part of our commitment to improve our engagement with stakeholders and increase global collaboration between Regulators and Manufacturers across the medical device sector, the Agency held three sessions hosted by Chinaniso Majoni, Edward Glenn, Luís Carraça and Vasileios Zampetoulas from our Term Development team and our CEO, Deniz Bruce.

The first workshops of 2023 covered the following topics with Regulators:
– Follow up on “Kits Term Assignment” discussion with Regulators
– How “Combination Devices” are captured in GMDN – Seeking Regulator’s advice
– Regulator’s discussion on barriers to term re-assignments, why it is important, and what are we doing as the GMDN Agency

And the following topics were covered in the Manufacturers workshops:
– Questions from the final 2022 meetings
– A GMDN code of good practice for Manufacturers
– Manufacturer’s discussion on barriers to term re-assignments, why it is important, and what are we doing as the GMDN Agency

Luís Carraça, Nomenclature Developer at the GMDN Agency said:

“The aim of these workshops is to help us deliver the GMDN Agency’s core work of helping to meet the global need for accurate identification of medical devices. They also support our ambitions to promote the value of global collaboration and harmonisation, continuously improve and innovate, provide excellent services which add value and be engaged, helpful and expert.

“I’d like to thank all those that attended for their candid feedback and engagement in the work of the GMDN Agency.”

Our next round of Strategy Workshops will be in June 2023. If you would like to register interest in attending, please contact

Agendas will be circulated in May 2023.

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