Using GMDN

Using GMDN

All registered GMDN members can access the GMDN database which currently has almost 25,000 term names which group your medical devices.

Anyone can register for free as a member on the GMDN website to access and use any GMDN term name, definition and code. 

The GMDN has approximately 15,000 members with more than 9 out of 10 on our free Basic Membership.

The GMDN Agency is responsible for creating and maintaining the GMDN database, we are a UK charity and a non-profit organisation. Paid membership is a voluntary option for only medical device Manufacturers, consultancy organisations and other commercial organisations. 

Our membership structure ensures that no member contributes more than 2% of the Agency’s income, ensuring the agency’s independence. 


Find out how to get the most out of your GMDN membership:

Getting Started With Your Account

To access GMDN Codes for your product:

  • Step-1

    Register as a GMDN member

  • Step-2

    Use our search function to find the correct GMDN Term for your device

  • Step-3

    Reveal the GMDN Code.

The GMDN is a dynamic database that reflects the progressive nature of the medical device industry. New terms are added regularly to keep the nomenclature up to date with current medical technology. The database is updated daily, and members are notified via email if a term in their “My Terms” list is modified or made obsolete. 

Further Learning

Our training portal is designed to help you get the most out of your GMDN membership.

If you have any other questions about using your account, please use our contact form and we will get back to you.

Maximising Membership

Most members have access to the GMDN through our Basic Membership which is free. This gives you access to all the GMDN Codes as well as the search function and our Enquiry Service.

Additional features are available to some membership types or qualified organisations. You can find out more about these additional features below. These include:

  • Explorer
    Our Explorer tool is an advanced search tool to help you identify the relevant GMDN term using a clinical hierarchy of more than 2,000 categories. The explorer allows higher level grouping of GMDN terms to support better navigation of terms and enables the aggregation of data about larger groups of devices. This data could help you find how many of a particular device your organisation used or the growth of use in the last year. The explorer is a poly-hierarchical structure, meaning the system can be adapted and amended quickly without affecting the status of specific GMDN terms.
  • My Terms
    Your ‘My Terms’ list can be used to help manage your GMDN terms. We continue to monitor all terms and provide notifications of any changes in a term’s status. You are also able to export your list of terms and archive any terms that you no longer need us to monitor for updates.
  • Notifications
    We notify you automatically if the status of any terms in your ‘My Terms’ list change for any reason. This can be useful to demonstrate compliance with the US FDA ‘UDI Final Rule’ (21 CFR Parts 830.350)
  • Enquiry Service
    If you can’t find the right GMDN term after searching our database, we provide a free enquiry service for all registered members to help by reviewing your product literature and advising on the next step. We can also help if a definition of an existing term needs to be modified or a new GMDN term created to include your product variant. We have an ISO 9001 Quality Management Procedure to control and document our service, so you can be assured your data is secure. At the end of the process draft terms are made available to all registered members so they can provide feedback as well.
  • Multi-Users Membership Accounts
    Multiple users can be added to a membership account with different access rights. Multi-user accounts are useful for larger organisations who need to allocate different permissions. The user who registers a new GMDN membership account has all permission by default with the following options available for additional users.
    • Archive – Can add a term to the term archive folder
    • Enquiry – Can send a new product enquiry
    • Orders – Can order and pay for membership and code packs
    • Terms – Can search for and reveal GMDN codes
    • User – Can add, modify and delete users from the account
  • Data Download
    Large users of GMDN data, such as governments and hospitals, can download the compete GMDN Terms set.
  • Membership Type Comparison